
Over the weekend, I attended two classes taught by Anne Hanson and sponsored by the North Coast Knitting Guild.  Saturday, we worked on lace knitting, using the Knitspot pattern Pine and Ivy.

a view from the teacher's perspective

Sunday’s class, Sweater Fitness, dealt with choosing sweater size, custom measurements, adjustments, and a host of other items to make our sweaters fit well, may I say, perfectly.

Whenever I spend time in a class or with knitters, I always learn something.  Seems that there is a never-ending supply of facts and tips and approaches.  In addition,  there are many generous knitters out there who are willing to help and to encourage and to compliment.  Oh, the compliments.

On the second day of class, I wore my Aran Cardigan, simply because it is the warmest thing I own and the  forecast was for temperatures in the teens.  Several folks in the class admired it and asked after the pattern.  Well, I have written it up, but haven’t edited the pattern to my satisfaction.  Their inquiries spurred me on to finish the writing.   So, that is on my desk right now.

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